Airsoft League SA Cares About your safety
+27 81 245 7809
Rules & Regulations
Below is the official Airsoft League SA ruleset. Please take time to go though and read all rules carefully. We are all here to have fun in a SOCIAL manner. So while the day might get hectic as you adjust to changing situations, keep in mind that we are NOT real world operators and that our main goal is to have fun, enjoy playing with our friends and shoot BBs at them!
When players are on the field, they MUST NOT remove their eye protection for ANY REASON. If a player needs to defog their eye protection, they must make their way back to the safe zone. While in the safe zone players are to make sure their guns are safe, by removing the mag and putting the gun on safe.
Eye & Face Protection
Eye protection
All eye protection must be full seal, be rated to resist impacts and have retention. Mesh goggles are not suggested unless another form of eye protection is worn underneath I.E. Workshop glasses. We DO NOT suggest eye pro without a rating. Airsoft League SA will not be held responsible for the choices made when you purchase your eye protection.
Age Restrictions
Ages 6-10 – suggested to wear full-face paintball type mask
Ages 11-15 – suggested to wear full-face paintball type mask, or must wear full seal goggles and mesh or hard plastic lower face protection that covers the lower face and ears.
Ages 16-17 – must wear full seal goggles and lower mesh or hard plastic that covers the lower face.
Ages 18+ – can wear just full seal glasses with retention; however full face protection is still recommended.
Weapon Restrictions
Feet Per Second Limitations
All weapons are chronographed at Airsoft League SA’s discretion. HPA and Gas rifles must be chronographed and remain under the joule limit. HPA guns are subject to having Tournament Locks applied to their regulators.
Game Play
Safe Zones
All safe are No-fire zones and will be clearly marked. All airsoft guns will be safed, the magazine will be ejected in safe zones. Eye protection will be worn at all times outside of the safe zones.
All boundaries are clearly marked with caution tape. Do not cross outside of or shoot through the caution tape.
Prohibited Items
Firearms and Live Ammunition, Any blade longer than 4 inches, Mace, Pepper Spray or any other nonlethal weapon, Improvised airsoft grenades, Pyrotechnic devices(Excluding smoke grenades and approved Banger type grenades), Potato guns or any compressed air launcher. Absolutely no alcohol or drugs are allowed to be consumed on the property.
Field Marshals
Field Marshals are the supreme authority on the field. They are here to give players a fun safe time. Please be respectful and comply with all requests from Marshals. Marshals must be informed of any gameplay problems and real world emergencies.
Hit Calling
Airsoft is an honor sport, the game hinges on the integrity of the players. A hit anywhere to the body or gear of a player counts as a hit. Ricochets do not count, nor do gun hits. Friendly fire also counts. When hit a player should yell “HIT” as loud as possible, raise his or her death rag, and assume a nonthreatening position. Dead players may not talk, or communicate in any fashion with other players.
All players are requested to carry two death rags (HIGH VIS RED, ORANGE or PINK) on them at all times and store them in two separate locations. This rule ensures that if one death rag is lost the player will not create confusion being “dead” without an available dead rag for their head. REFRAIN from wearing RED head coverings as this can be confusing while you are alive.
Respawn and Medics
A respawn is a designated area that dead players can walk to, tap and come back to life. Players must go all the way to respawn. They cannot start on the way to respawn and stop for any reason before reaching their respawn point. Medics are designated players who can heal dead friendlies back to life by tapping them for thirty full seconds. Anyone can move a dead friendly player by maintaining physical contact. Medics may not shoot or move while healing a dead player.
Rules of Engagement
Try and aim for center mass when at all possible. Blind firing is not allowed, weapons should always be shouldered and players should have the ability to aim down the sights when firing. All weapons must be on semi automatic. Full auto fire is prohibited. Don’t shoot through small holes or cracks; if your head can fit through the opening, you can shoot through the opening.
That being said, all of the following carry the penalty of expulsion from the field if violated:
Any language that is deemed verbally aggressive I.E. threats, slurs, vulgar gestures, condescending language.
Any physical aggression or unwanted physical contact. I. E. striking grabbing, shooting outside of gameplay.
Theft from private persons or the field.
All patrons are expected to act with integrity and maturity. Anyone who becomes a danger to themselves or the field will be ejected from the facility immediately.
When coming to Airsoft League SA, there is an expectation that players will pay the admission fees to take part in the Airsoft experience that we provide. If ANY player is found to have not paid the admission fees but has played on the field, they will be sent home and permanently banned from our facilities
Airsoft is a sport where players from all walks of life can come together and have an amazing experience together. At Airsoft League SA, we believe in creating an inclusive environment that is safe for all of our customers, which includes players as young as six years of age. With all of that being said, the following items will not be permitted at Airsoft League SA Fields. If you have them on your equipment, you may remove them and continue to play, but Airsoft League SA reserves the right to remove any player from the property without refund:
Any clothing, patches, or stickers exhibiting hate symbols, such as the Swastika, SS Bolts, or other Nazi symbology. WWII era German guns & equipment will be permitted, but only sanitized of any historically charged symbols.
Any clothing, patches, or stickers exhibiting excessive profanity.
Any clothing, patches, or stickers exhibiting sexually explicit content.
All Players are required to accept a digital waiver. Minors must have their waiver accepted by a parent or legal guardian. Our digital waiver system makes it easy for you. By purchasing a ticket all players agree to all the Below terms and conditions, regulations and INDEMNITY.
Effect of this document.
The provisions of this agreement are drawn to the attention of the Indemnifying Party where the
Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 applies to the relationship between the signed party, participant (indemnified party) and the Airsoft League South Africa (indemnifying party), the effect of this
agreement is that the indemnifying party may have limited or no recourse against the Indemnified
Party in the circumstances referred to herein.
Waiver and Indemnity
I hereby state that I have chosen to take part in the activity being offered by the Indemnified Party
(the Activity) of my own free will.
I indemnify the indemnified party, its members, directors and employees against all claims, losses,
injuries, death, demands, actions, damages and causes of action whatsoever arising directly or
indirectly out of my acts connected with or arising out of the Activity, whether suffered by me or
any other third party, and I hold the indemnified party harmless there from.
I understand that the Activity may be inherently dangerous and may create certain risks to persons
that can result in property damage and serious physical injury or even death. I further understand
that the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees and agents will not be and/or are not responsible
for any injuries, death, property damage or liability that may arise from my participation in the
Activity. I assume full responsibility for the decision, and the consequences thereof, to take part in
the Activity.
I do hereby release, agree to indemnify and hold the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees and
agents free and harmless from any and all costs, losses, expenses, damages (direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise), claims, suits, causes of action, injury, death or any other liability or responsibility whatsoever, including attorney’s fees and related costs, resulting from any injury to any
person(s) or damage to property arising out of, or which may in any manner be connected with,
said Activity as provided herein.
Where the Indemnifying Party is a minor (younger than 18 (eighteen) years), the Indemnifying Party
agrees to be and has been assisted by a parent/guardian in agreeing to this agreement and such
parent/guardian has consented to the Indemnifying Party participating in the Activity.
I, the parent/guardian of the Indemnifying Party, understand that the Activity is inherently dangerous and may create certain risks to persons that can result in property damage, death and serious
physical injury. I further understand that the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees and agents
will not be and/or is not responsible for any injuries, death, property damage or liability that may
arise from the Activity. I further assume full responsibility for the decision, and the consequences
thereof, to allow my child/the minor (the Indemnifying Party) to take part in the Activity as set forth
I do hereby release, agree to indemnify and hold the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees and
agents free and harmless from any and all costs, losses, expenses, damages, claims, suits, causes of
action, injury, death or any other liability or responsibility whatsoever, in law or in equity, including
attorney’s fees and related costs, resulting from any injury or death to any person(s) or damage to
Waiver & Indemnity Agreement
By signing this agreement, you confirm that you have read and understood the meaning and effect
of this agreement and that you agree to be bound by it from the date of signature. If you do not
understand the meaning or effect of any of the clauses contained in this agreement, you must
request that it be explained to you before accepting and concluding this agreement, by contacting
I agree that this agreement may be treated as a defence to any action or proceeding that may be
brought, instituted or taken by anyone against the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees, and
agents for injuries, deaths and/or damages sustained as a result of the Activity as described herein.
I have read this agreement and understand all of its terms, and I have executed this instrument
voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.
I confirm that I fully appreciate the risks that I may be exposed to during my participation in the
Activity and that I voluntarily accept such risks.
I hereby consent to the Indemnified Party and its officers, employees, agents and third party
service providers lawfully collecting, processing, storing and transferring my personal information,
as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPI) in accordance with POPI
and to process such information in insofar as necessary.
The parties agree that this agreement may be signed electronically in terms of the Electronic
Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (ECTA) and that in terms of ECTA, the agreement, in electronic format, is not without legal force and effect merely because it is wholly or partly
in the form of a data message
PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY when coming to and from the Field. Always keep your airsoft guns in a gun bag and in a safe location.
Chrono Joules & Classes

+27 81 245 7809

Why Airsoft League SA?
We are so much more than a field we are a community.
What is Airsoft?
Airsoft is an action sport, but we make it about the experience.
Why is Airsoft Good?
Not many things get someone off the couch, physically active, socializing, and relieving stress. Airsoft is all of those things.
How to Airsoft League SA?
What you can expect when you show up at Airsoft League SA.
Where to Start?
Come out to any of our events and see for yourself.